The engagement ring seals the beginning of a new and wonderful stage in the life of the couple. It symbolizes a promise of eternal love, which will keep firm throw the time, to build a whole Life together.

So, the day when the groom gives the ring to his fiancee becomes a moment of great emotion, which should be done in the intimacy, leaving the public declaration for the wedding ceremony.
Often, the couple together comes to the jewelry store to facilitate the choice. Other times, the groom comes with his mother or with a friend as counselor, but recently I can see more and more men coming alone to choose the ring that translates their feelings, chowing a great courage giving so important step full of illusion. Nerves and doubts are common so, in Mónica Aparicio we are happy to help them to get a successfull choice, according with the place and time choosen to the proposal. They make us vibrate of emotion telling us how they are going to do the declaration, worthy of the best script!. “Bravo” for them!
Here are some little tips for helping with the choice:
Traditionally, the diamond is used as symbol of strength and eternity, for being the hardest material in the world. It must be made in noble metals such as gold or platinum, to ensure its durability over time. The design has to go in consonance with the personalñity, tastes and way of life of the bride, without forgetting the aesthetic of her hand.
A ring with a single diamond set in claws or bezel, is ideal for the most minimalist brides or those looking for the simplicity:
If her fingers are not long, the best option is the diamonds band, either in raws or in lane or combination.
For the most romantics, vintage style diamond rings are a sure hit:
The last trend in engagement rings is the return to the use of colored gemstones (ruby, sapphire and emerald), always accented by the eternal diamonds.
In the same way, the rings with floral motifs and with hearts have entered with force.
I invite you to discover our Engagement rings collection on the website: https://monicaapariciojoyeria.es/en/categoria-producto/collections/engagement/page/2/ , and to visit us in our phisical store where you can test them or order your own custom design.